Monday, March 07, 2005


I am home from Ottawa and after a l0ng day at work, I've decided life sucks.
Not that I'm not grateful for all the things I have - television, a job, running water, a malaria-free environment, etc. - but bare with me whilst I whine.

I miss my Johnnie (hi my cutie! I wuboo!!). We've been together for 54 months and 5 days now. (Yay! Happy montha-penta-day-versary!) And having just spent four days and three nights with him, waking up next to him each morning and having him lavish me with affection and tea, I am now bereft of his presence. I sob at the black void left in his wake. I cringe at the hollowness of heart and the emptiness of my soul. I wail in despair as I realize that today is the first day of the longest period of time before I get to see him again.


Thus, I shall howl at the moon until he is returned to me.


Okay, feelin' better.

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