Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dear LOTR, they can't....

Let me get this straight.

Peter Jackson made a masterpiece trilogy of movie that took 7 years to complete, millions of dollars, thousands of man hours, and innumerable pairs of silicon hobbit feet, and the Mirvishes want to debut a two-hour MUSICAL version of Tolkien's classic?

Poor J.R.R. He's probably spinning in his grave like a top right now.

Now here's a fun game - write your own LOTR lyrics!

Aragorn!/He's a ranger!/No one could be stranger!/Though he'll keep us out of danger!/
Aragorn!/He was born/to take the seat as King!/He'll free us from the Ring!/The ring of power!

Legolas!/He's got nice ass!/Even for an elf he's fair!/(Gimli likes his underwear!)

Gandalf likes the hobbit leaf/though it makes his mind quite slow
He won't go without the grass/(not the kind you mow!)

Boromir/you're not strong enough/so in scene three you'll be killed off!

Merry and Pippin/we didn't need you/to be in this show/we couldn't afford you/so we changed the story a little bit/and made the Fellowship seven/don't worry our great lord Tolkein/is singing your praises in heaven....

Sam and Frodo/don't know/Mount Doom is easier to get to/on eagle-back/You'll get through/the perils of the laaaannnnnd...oooffffff...MORDOR!

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