Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the worlds hottest chilli sauce.

To quote:

"A NEW chilli sauce goes on sale today that is so hot it could KILL.

Ultra-concentrated “16 Million Reserve” is the hottest science can make.

The sauce is 30 times hotter than the spiciest pepper and 8,000 times more fiery than Tabasco.

Diners must sign a disclaimer recommending “protective gloves and eye wear” — but even sweating testers in safety gear were blinded by tears for 30 minutes."

Now if that doesn't constitute a biological weapon, I don't know what does. Just imagine the havoc this stuff can cause. "Why no, officer, I didn't know my wife had asthma. Oh that? It's great for scrambled eggs, let me tell ya...."

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