Friday, April 08, 2005

I have an evil suburban twin

...and her name is Michelle and I hired her to take my old job.

Isn't there a law that says if you meet a version of you from a parallel universe, you have to do battle until one version of you defeats the other and sucks her life force dry so that the winner becomes the most powerful version of you?

I'm pretty sure it was a Jet Li movie. But if Michelle knows Neil Gaiman as well as she says she does (actually, I have no idea if she does, but she does link to him) then she'll know where else this notion came from...

*Vicki throws gauntlet down*

(*nerd trumpets sound*)

1 comment:

The Red Fork said...

Gaiman trivia?! What'd I do? I was just standing here and I got challenged to a duel!