Friday, March 07, 2008

When Life Parodies Art...

I went for massage therapy today at my usual haunt--the very lovely Concepts Day Spa. I've never gone wrong with the RMTs there--they're all very good and professional, and I always leave feeling next to human.

Today, I had a new massage therapist.

She was, in a word, a character. Like straight out of a book character. I've never met an RMT who talked and joked and cussed like a hairstylist, but, like, whoa, this woman had the energy and worldliness of gator-wrestling waitress serving tequila shots from her navel.

All I could think about the entire time she was working out my kinks and telling me bad jokes was, "By jove, I simply MUST write this woman into a book!"

Here's a snorter she imparted while I was on the table:

A man goes to his doctor and says, "Doc, I feel like a wigwam and a teepee."
The doctor says, "Huh, you're probably two tents."

Yeah, I actually laughed at that (hangs head). I must be tired.

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