Monday, March 10, 2008

The forecast calls for stupid....

Dear Steve Jobs,

WTF is with your Mac OSX weather widgit? Over the past few weeks, the reported weather for Toronto has been so wrong a monkey throwing darts at temperatures would probably have a better chance at getting it right*.

I bring you a screenshot from today:

According to CBC, the temperature at the time was -2 degrees Celcius with a windchill of -14 C. And before y'all ask, yes, it is set to Celcius instead of Farenheit.

So WTF, Apple? You can make fancy MP3 players but you can't read a thermometer?

And don't give me some BS about it being the weather in any of the U.S. Torontos, because then I'd have to stick you with another WTF?--Toronto, Ohio, only has a population of less than 6000 (the rest are little towns with populations in the hundreds).

I demand answers!

*Okay, maybe ten monkeys.

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