Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Sort-Of Announcement

It's been a while since I've had this blog and, looking back, I've had little to say of real value or worth. And yet, I still receive a heart 100 hits every week, undoubtedly from people looking to see if I'll EVER have anything interesting to say. (Thanks for sticking by, guys--I'm sure you all have better things you could be doing.)

I'm going to be gently morphing this blog into a "serious" author blog soon, complete with my own registered domain name, new layout, and more importantly, news about how my "professional" career as a writer is coming along.

As with the blog, that title is still "would-be", but I'm hoping to change that soon.

Never fear, I imagine I will still post many LULZ and tidbits of perfectly useless items for shits and giggles. I just hope to post more often as a "fan service"...if ever I get myself a fan base.


celestialspeedster said...

This a prettier format. Thanks for updating your link to my blog. I need your hearty hits.

Anonymous said...

It's so soft and fluffy now. Like a detergent ad. Blogging about your canker sores and bowel movements seems very inappropriate now...:)

Flocons said...

Thanks for putting my blog back on your link list. Your disdain for Jay-Z has thrust me back into the world of blogging.