Saturday, February 05, 2005

Wither art thou brain, Future Shop?

Not that I have any major problem with this gi-normous electronics chain, but I'm suffering from a major flabbergastation right now.

My boss asked me to order two 512 MB USB keys for the office. I went to and ordered them online using his company American Express. I was later informed that I'd need to call them because there was some discrepancy in the information on the card. They insisted on speaking to him personally, except that he is on vacation.

Fine. So I had my other boss use his company credit card to order the keys over the phone with the phone rep. Then he left for the day. They called not two hours later to speak with him to confirm the shipping address, but got me instead. They insisted they speak with him. So I asked, very politely, how they could expect it was indeed the cardholder speaking to them and not some guy off the street. The rep said they could only hope the person on the phone was telling the truth.

So instead of getting the items shipped off to me in a timely fashion, getting their money, and calling it a day, they have to jump through the flaming sphinctoral rings of bureaucracy to confirm something that might not even be true.

Hmmph. Okay then. If you want to play that game, let's play...

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