Saturday, February 05, 2005

Arrrrghhh!! Hulk Smash!!

I saw the stupidest thing on CP24 today: it was one of those phone-in surveys asking whether teachers should be allowed to strike. The poll was split 1000-odd no, to 600-odd yes. Morons, all of them! I think people who voted that teachers shouldn't be allowed to strike are people who don't want to deal with the inconvenience of thier own children. I mean, hello? You want to take a basic democratic right away from the people who will affect your child the most next to the parents. Why not just send your children straight to the military? That way you'll never have to find a babysitter, AND they'll learn how to make their own bed!

Arrgh, I get all green and lumpy whenever I think about it...

I remember when Ernie Eves proposed that striking be made illegal for teachers when he was campaigning. Moron! Anyone who thinks teachers shouldn't be allowed to strike should have their voting priviledges stripped from them. Then they should be made to teach at the elementary level for three years and see what it's like.

Teachers are often over-worked, underpaid, and, more often than not, are at-odds with enraged parents, problem students, and an administration that does little to help these situations.

Moreover, teachers themselves get a bad rap. People don't seem to realize that they're represented by a very strong union that is trying to bargain for the bare necessities. And when the union comes to the bargaining table asking for something as simple as more prep time for a split grade class, the public goes nuts and says "those greedy teachers, they want more money, they want more time off, they get summers off, what more could they want?"

My sister has been an elementary school teacher for more than 7 years now, and young as she is, she comes home with her share of stories. She teaches a split grade 1 and grade 2 class. Sure, it sounds like you have fewer students of each grade to teach, but try preparing activities for two (or more) different levels, then marking and assessing their abilities.

And don't get me started on the special needs students! Since funding was cut, special needs kids – kids that don't talk, kids that can't read, kids who piss themselves, and so on – have been left trailing behind the rest of the class.

You know why you don't see a lot of teachers posting blogs? Because they're too busy marking assignments and preparing things for their classrooms.

Arrgh... Anyhow, that's my rant for the day. I have plenty of horrible teacher stories to share, so stick around for them.

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