Saturday, February 19, 2005

Flu shots don't work

Feeling moderately better today, enough so to go to the doctor. Turns out I have a flu. A relatively mild one that Good Ol' Dr. Tang says will probably hang on for more than two weeks. Great.

The worst part right now is that my throat is shredded into ribbons of pain. Can't talk much, and when I do, I sound like Marlon Brando with laryngitis. Lovely.

Meanwhile, my thought for the day: can we stop making plastic bags? I have so many bags now I can't put them anywhere. Someone must want them for something... any takers out there?

It's the tiny bags for CDs and trinkets I can't stand. They aren't good for anything, except maybe putting other little bags into. I've stopped taking bags whereever I can, and I'm just throwing stuff straight into my purse or knapsack.

Maybe someone should accept plastic bags as a recycling program and turn them into bricks with which to make affordable housing with. Or tents, or something. Surelu we have the technology to do that, no?

Just coughed up something nasty, so I'm going away now.

1 comment:

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

It pisses me off when they use 3 plastic bags for one jub of milk. Why not make one strong bag????