Yeah, yeah, they're all white (not Dev). I'm giving up on any belief Hollywood would change their mind on casting Asians to play Asians. Whatever. This movie's getting made, and I'll judge it based on the performances. (Holds breath.)
Noah Ringer as Aang:
Not only are they white but they are super white, without even a trace of a tan or Asian ancestor.
And from what I've seen in the trailer and in the photos, Noah Ringer has the charisma of wet cardboard.
I stand by my suspicion that M. Night Shyamalan will ruin Avatar but I hope that I am proved wrong.
My bigger concern is the acting. Noah Ringer may be a good martial artist, but does he have any acting experience?
It's not an all white cast. They made sure there is at least one minority in there. By the way, who is playing the villian? Oh.
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