Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You used to be such a nice boy...

An open letter to Jake Gyllenhaal:

Dear Jake,

Dude, I think you're a great actor. Really. I even have a little soft spot for those soulful baby blues of yours, despite being a happily engaged woman. But man, you look REE-DONK-U-LOUS as the Prince of Persia. I mean, kudos to you for bulking up for the Prince of Persia role (which I won't rant about not going to someone who was actually, you know, Persian), but dude, greasy hair and unshaven face paired with your baby skin? You look like a hobo with Conan the Barbarian's body photoshopped on. Viggo Mortensen just barely got away with it. You shouldn't try.

I just hope you can hop and fight as gracefully as the gameplay does with all that extra muscle....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, he looks great neck down but HILARIOUS neck up!