Monday, January 03, 2011

OMG New content???

Yeah, I've been neglecting my personal blog in favor of my author blog. Sorry 'bout that. But let me try to promise at least 2 posts a month for the rest of 2011, if not more. Surely there's enough weirdness going on in my life now (even as a married woman) that I might share with the rest of the world.

Today, for instance: I went to work today, only to discover the office was closed. I'd checked the company's holiday calendar online to make sure that they were open, and as far as I could tell, there was no holiday listed for today. Well. Serves me right to believe anything I read on the Internet.

So, some things to share while I've got your attention:

Reasoning with Vampires: This is a hilarious, educational and often scathing analysis of the writing in the Twilight series. I've never read the books, mind you, and I don't always agree with the assessment of use of clauses beginning with conjunctions. (Writers do it all the time. And it doesn't mean they're wrong.) But the postings present some pretty awful stuff. Not sure I do want to read the series'd hurt my copy editing brain too much.

Red Letter Media reviews: In a slightly befuddled monotone mumble, this guy dissects the Star Wars prequels, Star Trek films, and a few other mediocre to great sci-fi blockbusters. He points out all the ways the filmmakers manipulate the audience, why the Star Wars prequels were such failures, and does a phenomenal and hilarious job of intelligently comparing and contrasting pop culture works. The only complaint is that he sometimes delves into these very disturbing (meant to be funny) sidebars that involve violence against women and general creepiness. Still, if you have a few hours to kill (because some of the reviews go on for 90 minutes in some cases) these are terrific supplements to your pop culture studies.

More blogging to come. Promise.

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