Tuesday, April 01, 2008



That's the word I'm using for all the Internet resources burying me as a wannabe romance writer.

The thing is, there are SO many romance writers, it's hard not to trip on one along the Information Superhighway (does anyone even use that term anymore?)

And yet, I feel obligated to take a peek at each and every web site, blog, forum, chat and thread. After all, these are my people--struggling writers who all have the dream of getting the call...

Since joining the RWA and starting my "serious" writer's journey, I've had to get an additional Live.com account just to accommodate additional memberships and web accounts. I now have three e-mail addresses (four, if you count my work), a blog, a MySpace page (which I absolutely hate), and a community account on eHarlequin.com.

In addition, I've started collecting RSS feeds, none of which I can read on a regular basis; and I'm a member of the Toronto Romance Writer's Yahoo group, for which I get periodic e-mails. I try to check out The Romantic Times web site when I have the chance, but that, too, is lagging.

Of course, I'm not even counting Facebook, the TWO Live Journal accounts I possess, or the countless other personal web sites and blogs I browse. My days are spent almost entirely in front of the computer now....

It's a funny thing, this electronic system of tubes. You'd have thought with this much information flowing at next-to-instantaneous speeds, that we'd have more time in our lives for the things that matter. If only someone could sell you time with the Internet....

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