Thursday, November 15, 2007


Coming Soon: Dragonball: the live action movie.

Okay, without going into great detail, speculation, or in-depth analysis let's just list out the possible pros and cons of this flick.

Possible Pros:
Produced by Hong Kong comedy/action god Stephen Chow
Stars James Marsters (i.e. Buffy's Spike) as Piccolo
Directed by James Wong of Final Destination fame
Stars Justin Chatwin (i.e. the whiny son from War of the Worlds) as Goku

Possible Cons:

The cartoon involves so much male posing and "powering up" for "final moves" that most of the show focuses on one character or another growling like he's constipated, only to release "all their power" in "one do-or-die ka-maya-maya" that ultimately....misses.

And the next episode is EXACTLY. THE. SAME.

On the bright side, Marsters might have to show up painted green with bulgy muscles and antannae.

I hope to see ridiculous over-the-top moments like this.

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