Tuesday, October 17, 2006


John's already said it, but I have to reiterate.


Think Singer's X-Men flicks, but as a global TV series with a huge, overarching plotline guaranteed to snag you with the first episode. And some of it's written by former X-Men and DC Universe writer Jeph Loeb, no less.

Watch it. It's amazing.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that such a nerdy show is doing so well. I have been watching Heroes and the plot lines are promising. Unfortunately, the writers enjoy regurgitating comic clichés and the dialogue is awful!

I love how the male nurse character is repeatedly told by his family what an embarrassment his profession is. That's the kind of talk usually reserved for artists and actors.

Speaking of artists, how believable is it to have the artist character do large scale canvas paintings and comic books at the same time? Those are two different ends of the art profession spectrum.

Anonymous said...

Whooo!!! Heroes! HRG FTW!!!

p.s. I gave you the screener a few months ago and you only blog about it on the 17th?? Sigh.....