Monday, February 27, 2006


Excerpt from the journals of Worker 114, Day One:

I am looking for a Job.

Not just any Job, but THE Job. This fabled relic is said to exist, but each is unique to its holder, its value surpassing any jewel or trinket a mortal person could devise. With The Job, it is said one will find eternal happiness and contentment. It is said that The Job will bring delights both physical and mental. It is said that one will be at peace with the world if one attains The Job.

And so I have decided to seek The Job. My Job.

I begin my journey by travelling to the city of Workopolis. The way is straight and quick like the bite of a whip, but the dangers do not lie in the journey - they are within the city walls.

Workopolis is a vast and complex place of many opportunities; open doors to mysterious and wonderful places I can only glimpse if granted access by the gatekeepers. But I am wary. These houses are as numerous and promising as the streetwalkers who eye me continually, and I risk more than losing just my wallet and watch if I enter the wrong establishment.

My life is at stake. My livelihood. If I enter the wrong house, I may never exit to continue the Quest.

"Oi! Looking for a fast-paced environment writing for the country's largest insurance firm?" One man calls loudly from the doorway of a particularly large and opulent building. I tilt my head and take a step forward, only to see the stream of rats scuttling out a side door. The rodents, wide-eyed and world-weary, glance furtively at me before scampering away into the welcome darkness.

"Thanks, I'll pass for now."

I wander down Workopolis' numerous avenues - narrow, crooked roads threading between and around some of the biggest houses I have ever seen. I know many of these manors, of course, and each has a plethora of doors and windows one can peer into, but many do not interest me. These buildings have simply stood for too long, are too well-established for the likes of me and my meagre upbringing.

It has not yet been half the day, and I have not combed the city as I had planned, but I grow weary and depressed and decide to retire to Fanfiction. Perhaps the tenants of this lively tavern can set me on the right path to The Job...


Anonymous said...

Workopolis is horrible because only the cattle call jobs are posted. Plus you compete with thousands of other job seekers.
I would recommend you focus on particular employers that you would like work for, then check out their website for job postings. Or if you can stand your job a little longer, volunteer in an organization of your chosen field to see if you would be happy and to infiltrate possible employer's consciousness.
And then, there's always searching through your network of associates.

Flocons said...

Way to show initiative, Vicki. Many people will hang onto their current job because it is their meal ticket, but you've decided to forgo the miserable 9 to 5, to truly find a job that you find personally rewarding.

Good luck, and remember not to give up.

dissimulate me said...

my friend sonya has always told me when i was the most down about work that my job will one day find me.. its just that yours hasn't found you. The average person now days goes through 19 different careers in thier lifetime. Keep your head up and you will find something you enjoy and where you fit. We all will one day. It jsut sucks that we always want it to be now.

As one of those insurance rats.. trust me.. dont settle. Keep looking.