Friday, November 25, 2005

Kiss of Death

From the Toronto Star:

Girl with peanut allergy killed by kiss
Nov. 25, 2005. 12:16 PM

A fifteen-year-old Quebec girl with a severe allergy to peanuts has died after a kiss from her boyfriend.

According to the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Le Quotidien, the boyfriend had recently eaten peanut butter.

The girl was hospitalized for several days and died earlier this week.

The stricken girl was injected with adrenaline immediately after she grew ill, but it wasn't effective.

This made me gasp. And then I wanted to laugh, but couldn't. But I laughed anyhow. I just feel sorry for the boyfriend - I mean, how many MORE hangups is he going to have now? Boy, being a teen sucks. Really, really sucks.


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Anonymous said...

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How stupid is that boyfriend? He should have known that since his girlfriend has a severe peanut butter allergy, and they exchange bodily fluids (ewwww), then maybe he should swear off peanut butter. This dork will probably be surprised when his next girlfriend gets pregnant despite his foolproof "pull out" method.