Friday, July 02, 2010

The Last Airbender in Five Stages of Grief

Denial – Surely this can't be the movie Shyamalan intended. No, hell, no, they didn't spend $150 million and 3 years on this, the live action version on my most beloved show ever.

Anger – No. NO! How can this be happening? How can you say that? Aang! And it's Ang not Ahhng; stop talking! Stop it! Act! For God's sake, act the way you do kung-fu! Gaah! Shyamalan, what have you done?!

Bargaining – C'mon, just...just get us through this with the giant Ocean Spirit rising up and pushing the Fire Nation out to sea and everything will be okay. Just give us the Deus Ex we need for this series to be something and it will all be good, and I swear, if Aang just says "No. It's not over," I will watch this film twice more and watch the sequels three times each!

Depression – Noooooo...nooooo.... Oh God, why.... No, Katara, stop talking. Your expositions means nothing...nothing.... I'll never be able to tell anyone I'm an ATLA fan ever again....

Acceptance – *sigh* We'll always have the TV series. Really, it's a shame they never made a live action film. THEY NEVER MADE A LIVE ACTION FILM. (Go to step 1.)

1 comment:

Six Degrees said...

We went to see it despite the bad reports and were right. I felt ill and uneasy every time someone opened their mouth. The dialogue was awful. No time was given for proper character development, and Zuko didn't take his shirt off. Terrible.