Friday, September 28, 2007

Into the mouth of madness!!!

At this stage, you are thinking to yourself, "We really need to take that digital camera away from Vicki because that last thing I want a picture of is her god-awful dentistry."

But I'm posting this because I have to share the INCREDIBLE PAIN THAT HAS BEEN PLAGUING ME ALL WEEK.

That white spot in the back of my throat that looks like a cross between the Sea of Serenity and a reverse nipple is a canker sore that popped up on Tuesday and has been steadily growing in size. Right now, it's about 0.5 cm in diameter.

It's so swollen and painful, I get stabbing pains in my right ear canal and burning aches through my throat. Swallowing has become a serious issue. Food tends to rub and irritate it--anything more abrasive than soup puts me in tears.

I've been drinking fluids and taking ibuprofen to try to bring the swelling down, but nothing's worked so far. Gargling with salt water is ineffective, as I learned quickly, since my tongue blocks off my throat exactly where I need the saltwater to go.

You are probably saying to yourself, "Vicki, go to a damned doctor already!" Or else you are making jokes of a sexual nature, and sniggering about some sort of venereal disease. Haw haw herpes...yeah, yeah.

But man, this thing is enormous and really starting to hurt. I'm working with the theory that I have "yeet hay": too much "hot" energy in my body that causes breakouts. Crazy Chinese balance medicine thing, but 5000 years of Chinese history can't be wrong. So I'm trying to take in some "cold" foods, but relief is a long time coming, if the size of this thing has any bearing on my recovery.

Anyone out there have any suggestion on how to deal with this effectively? My stupid brain seems to think sticking a knife back there is a bad idea, so my tongue keeps pushing it away. I'm desperate, here, people. Help!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a flesh eating disease, in which case i'd go all voodoo on it and start stabbing that toy i gave you with toothpicks from the voodoo toothpick holder.

JodiMac said...

This is gross and is going to hurt, but if you do it a few times a day, I bet in a few days your will see it shrink...but fair warning, it may make it worse for a few hours before it gets better.

Since you can't get the salt water where it needs to go...take a Q-tip or your pinkie finger, wet it, load it up with salt and I mean LOAD! Big pile. Then press it as hard as you can for as long as you can to the sore. (At least 10 seconds, but a minute if you can take it.)

Yes, pain. Yes, you will curse me. But trust will eat away at that thing so fast. Do it after you eat and before bed.

No, I'm not a doctor. But I play one on people's blog comment boards. ;)
