Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I went for an annual eye exam at my optometrist's today--my first in three years. Turns out my prescription has gone up...by a factor of 100 in each eye.

So now I'm a myopic 450/575 or so. (Actually, since I couldn't quite see the numbers, I'm only assuming that's what the prescription said.) Meanwhile, I am sitting here at my computer, squinting like my parents at the fuzziness of everything. They used those damn eyedrops to dilate your pupils until they're the size of tokens so they can check on the health of your retina. It's liquid speculum for your iris!

Check out my freaky EVIL eyes:

And no, I do not have jaundice. I played with the contrast and brightness so you could see my ENORMOUS PUPILS.

If you look carefully, the reflection of my hands looks like it's is holding it.

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