Sunday, September 10, 2006

The gall!

So my little sister was admitted to the hospital this week with a gall stone. She is officially the first member of my immediate family who has had emergency surgery for something that really just popped up. (That I know of, anyhow.)

She's home and doing okay now, except for the holes in her stomach from the surgery. It's made me really appreciate my good to fair health status, for the most part, and has made me really think about how health problems can arise at any time.

Of course, the other thing about this hospital stay is that it means I'm doomed: Fiona and Jenny have both had short-term stays with severe problems. It's just a matter of time before I'm next.

And as I write this post, I realize it's been ages since I posted anything, and I swear stuff really does happen to me, I just don't bother to expound upon it. I promise, more posts soon.

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