Friday, July 08, 2005

Dose make Vicki smash!

Another thing just made me mad in Dose: page 13 is a "Worst Song Ever" spread. It's an elimination flowchart of some of the worst songs ever, written with a very wry, tongue-in-cheek sense of humour. A clever piece any other day, but as usual, they tried to have the running story theme - London - on the top. It reads:

"I would like to express the full horror I feel at the terrorist attacks which bathed the British capital in blood," said French President Jacques Chirac > "The West is Winning," said PM Paul Martin >

Again, bad, bad production. What the hell are they doing putting "The West is Winning" right next to condolences?

And Paul, what the fuck? Does 40 dead and 700 injured in London yesterday look like winning to you? Does a dead Egyptian envoy look like winning? Does more than 1,900 dead sons and daughters of the coalition look like winning? I'm not even counting the thousands of Iraqis and Afghanistanis killed. RAARRGGHGH!!!

Calm down, Vicki, don't get so worked up, you're not there, you only have to worry about affording that new pair of shoes, relax...

Vicki angry. Also, rage makes me sleepy.

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