Sunday, September 25, 2005

Welcome to my hell

Today I've added Carly to my inestimable list of blogging friends. As the first among my peers to have a baby, and with my morbid fascination and consummate fear of having children, I value her upfrontedness about the gestation of a mini-human within her uterus.

A sample, if I may:

"It's hard to know what you're feeling when you don't know where anything is located. Because, really, have you seen what happens to the inside of a woman when a uterus starts to expand? Please tell me where the hell the organs go...

"Sometimes I feel pokes or taps just north or east of the belly button -- just like someone is poking you in the arm, except is inside the stomach. Other times it's like my belly is farting. Or is it my intestines? Or the actual place where food is going?"

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